Financial Contribution Philosophy

Wildwood ALC is a nonprofit, inclusive community that seeks members based upon their desire to be a part of a self-directed community, regardless of means. We use a flexible contribution scale allows us to pursue our commitment to economic, racial, and cultural diversity. At Wildwood, every family instead pays generously and equitably, according to their financial resources. Family contributions are the primary way we compensate facilitators and cover basic costs (insurance, rent, and supplies). We trust that families will carefully consider what they are able to contribute in a manner that is both responsible to their personal needs and values all that goes into operating and sustaining this unique program. Supplemental funds are available whenever the total amount of all familes’ contributions exceeds our basic expenses. To this end, we ask all families to thoughtfully consider all sources of personal support they may have available (to include family members not under the same roof, grandparents, trust funds, investments etc.). The more each family can individually contribute, the stronger and more equitable community.

Determining Your Financial Contribution

To ensure long-term financial sustainability, we must achieve a targeted average threshold that allows us to maintain a low youth-to-facilitator ratio and meet all of our financial obligations, to include paying Facilitators a living wage, and to have the funds necessary to grow our community. Families’ contribution amounts vary according to their ability to pay (based on family income in addition to other sources of personal support) with some paying more, and other less. We work hard to make sure all families who are a good fit for Wildwood are able to attend, regardless of their financial situation. Higher contribution amounts (above your suggested amount) might be tax deductible and donations to support fund are always appreciated and are fully tax deductible.

* Wildwood is a community based on a shared vision and a culture of participation, choice, and inclusion rather than a traditional fee-for-service program. Financial contributions are budgeted toward the cost of running the program for the entire year (Sept-May), and although we allow monthly installments, we cannot pro-rate when children are unable to attend due to travel etc. We accept members with the understanding that they will be part of the community through May and request at least 30 days’ notice if circumstances require you to leave mid-year. We are always willing to discuss possibilities…so please reach out if you have questions.

To learn more about the enrollment process click here.