Wildwood Agile Learning Community is a not-for-profit, self-directed micro-school located in Watauga County NC. Our mixed age environment (7 - teen years) is rooted in trust, self-direction, social responsibility and personal growth. We provide an environment where individuals have support and space to define their own path, question structures that inhibit growth, and contribute to a culture of empowerment and mutual respect.

Wildwood ALC is a place where everyone is both a learner and a teacher; has a meaningful voice in the community; and is fully valued for who they are. We embody a “power-with” approach where young people co-create what we do and how we do it. This orientation fosters important life skills such as- critical thinking, creativity, intrinsic motivation, and collaborative decision-making. There are no tests, grades, or standardized curriculum at Wildwood, we truly prioritize the whole person and allow learning to unfold naturally.

Our independent school meets in-person Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from September to May (Monday and Friday are "at home” learning days). We serve families from all backgrounds (including homeschoolers) and use a flexible/sliding tuition that supports our commitment to a diverse community.
Read Wildwood ALC’s Commitment to Anti-Racism

What is Self-Directed Education?

Education is the sum of everything a person learns that enables that person to

live a satisfying and meaningful life.

Self-Directed Education is education that derives from the self-chosen activities and life experiences of the person becoming educated, whether or not those activities were chosen deliberately for the purpose of education. In other words … learning is happening all the time, whether we intend to or not. At Wildwood, this may include organized workshops or offerings, but mostly it comes from everyday life, as people pursue their interests with others in community. Classes/Workshops are interest based and provided by those within our group and in the larger community.

Humans are naturally curious about the world … we are literally wired to learn. At Wildwood ALC, we aim to create the environmental conditions that maximize the ability to learn from our natural drives.



“All I am saying…can be summed up in two words: Trust Children. Nothing could be more simple, or more difficult. Difficult because to trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves, and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.” ~ John Holt, How Children Learn (1967)
